16 Grit (most popular)
Showing all 6 results
7″ Taz Disk $6.75
Same Performance and life as a Zec Disk but less expensive! Take off Mastic, Urethane, Thinset, fiberglass, other coatings etc. Will not grind or harm concrete. 8,16,24,36 grit available Use A TAll AVM nut to use blade under Dust shroud!
4.5″ Taz Disk $5.75
Same Performance and life as a Zec Disk but less expensive! Take off Mastic, Urethane, Thinset, fiberglass, other coatings etc. Will not grind or harm concrete. 8,16,24,36 grit available Use A Short AVM nut to use blade under Dust shroud!
7″ TAZ Disk – 1/2 Case of 50pc ($5 each) $250.00
50 pieces of the 7″ Taz Disk at a discounted bundle price of $5.00 each. Choose Grit
7″ TAZ Disk – Case of 100pc ($4.00 each) $400.00
100 pieces of the 7″ Taz Disk at a discounted case price of $4.00 each. Choose Grit
4.5″ TAZ Disk – 1/2 case of 50pc ($4.25 each) $212.50
50 pieces of the 4.5″ Taz Disk at a discounted bundle price of $4.25 each. Choose Grit
4.5″ TAZ Disk – Case of 100pc ($3.50 each) $350.00
100 pieces of the 4.5″ Taz Disk at a discounted case price of only $3.50 each! Choose Grit –
Showing all 6 results